Better mobility for everyone

Travel from door to door, reliable, at any time, in a mouseclick !

Your live in the city today ...

The city is the place where we live, love, work and spend time with our family. City life offers a lot of possibilities on a small surface. Moving around the city is dynamic and fast.
Or should be.
Traffic today is most of the day jammed or hyperintensive. Trams and busses are slow, wait at every stop and are regularly obstructed by other traffic.
The fastest mobility mode in a 21st century metropole is ... a bike.
And unfortunately the most risky too ...
Big traffic axisses make ugly scars in the urban tissue, creating barriers for pedestrians and bikers. These coincide with perceived social barriers between communities too.
Noise, fine dust and smog exceed alarm levels regularly. Roads and parking places for cars occupy a big share of the cities surface, making it unavailable for other purposes.

Your live in the city tomorrow, with FlyByke ...

FlyByke made the city smaller: Almost any point in the city centre is accessible within 15 minutes now. That is from door to door.
FlyByke made the city bigger too: As traffic is handled on overhead tracks, massive space on the ground has come available for bike lanes, parks, squares, markets, terasses, sports areas and play grounds. Cars, vans and trucks have become a rare view in the urban landscape.
The FlyByke app allows you to hop on and off through the city, effortless, fast and reliable. Even at night you can travel safely in your private pod, since FlyByke offers 24/7 service.
The sound of the city has changed: instead of roaring traffic, you can now enjoy the buzzing mix of markets, bikers, playing kids, birds, ...

Your live on the countryside today

Living on the countryside is great: A quiet and healthy environment that offers a lot of space for building out your life.
The downside of it: distances to work, shops, schools and services are longer. A two-worker family typically needs two cars to keep in pace with the speed of modern life. Whilst economic activity is ever more concentrating in the cities, cities become ever less accessible for commuters. Traffic jams and anti-car policies are aiming to rule out the car as an option. Savings and 'efficiency measures' result in lower frequencies of public transportation on the countryside. The longer the distance, the less reliable or available the public transportation gets. Longer commutes are at the expense of our private time, of our work-life balance.
Country people are forced to choose between their homes and their jobs. Youngsters no see a future on the countryside and flee towards big cities. As a consequence eal estate prices are going down and villages are abandoned.

Your live on the countryside tomorrow, with FlyByke ...

FlyByke unlocks metropolitan transit efficiency to medium sized and small towns. Once a FlyByke Intercity Network is established, the budget for connecting to that grid will be affordable for smaller town centres.
One FlyByke station unlocks an area of 10-15 km around it, since the FlyByke pod also runs at speeds of 25-45 km/h on normal roads and bike paths.
This multimodal feature is especially interesting for low density areas.
Countryside villages will regain a higher connectivity level, boosting their economic viability, real estate, tourism, etc. A 100 km commute is no longer an obstacle, giving back the freedom for commuters to choose were they live or work. The countryside will keep it's value where a FlyByke station is near.

Better mobility for everyone

Travel from door to door, reliable, at any time, in a mouseclick